About Avery Health
At Avery Health our mission is to help individuals and families achieve stable, safe, and affordable housing. We offer a comprehensive suite of personalized services that address the unique needs of our clients, including housing assistance, case management, eviction prevention, homelessness prevention, and supportive services. Our holistic approach, strong community partnerships, and dedication to personalizing our services set us apart from the competition. We are committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of our clients and the communities we serve, working together to create strong, resilient neighborhoods where everyone can thrive.

What We Do
At Avery Health, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with each individual and family to understand their unique challenges and develop effective, personalized solutions. Our services include:

Housing Assistance
We provide financial support for rent and utilities, as well as assistance with housing search and placement. By working closely with landlords and property managers, we help our clients find suitable, affordable housing options.

Homelessness Prevention
We work to prevent homelessness by providing targeted intervention services, such as financial assistance for rent and utilities, case management, and access to resources like job training, mental health support, and childcare.

Case Management
Our dedicated case managers work with clients to create customized housing stabilization plans, addressing factors such as employment, education, health, and family needs. Through regular check-ins, our case managers ensure clients are on track to achieve their goals and maintain stable housing.

Supportive Services
We recognize that housing stability is about more than just a roof over one's head. Our supportive services include mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, job training, and life skills development to empower our clients and promote self-sufficiency.

Eviction Prevention
We offer support and guidance to clients at risk of eviction, helping them navigate the legal system and providing mediation services to resolve disputes between tenants and landlords. Our eviction prevention program aims to minimize the disruption caused by housing instability and keep families in their homes.